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Innovation Within

Business Model Canvas: Channels In-Depth

One of the nine building blocks of the BMC is Channels, which refers to the different ways a company communicates, delivers, and reaches its customers. In this article, we will explore Channels in-depth, including their types, how to find them, and examples to help you understand how they work.

What Are Channels and Why Do They Matter?

When it comes to Channels, businesses must consider a variety of factors, such as the type of product or service they offer, the target audience they are trying to reach, and the most effective ways to communicate with customers. For example, a company that sells luxury jewelry may choose to use high-end retail stores as their Channels, whereas a company that sells budget-friendly clothing may opt for online platforms or discount stores.

Another important consideration for Channels is the level of customer interaction required. Some products or services may require a high level of customer engagement, such as personalized consulting or support, while others may be more self-explanatory and require minimal interaction.

It’s also worth noting that Channels can evolve over time as a business grows and changes. For example, a startup may initially rely on social media and word-of-mouth to reach customers, but as they expand, they may add physical locations or a dedicated sales team to their Channels mix.

In conclusion, Channels are a critical component of any successful business model. They enable companies to effectively reach and communicate with customers, and can ultimately lead to increased revenue and brand awareness. By carefully considering the most effective Channels for their products or services, businesses can set themselves up for long-term success.

Types of Channels

When it comes to marketing and reaching customers, businesses have a variety of channels to choose from. Each channel offers its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making it important for companies to carefully consider which channels to use. Here are some of the most common types of channels:

  • Direct Channels: These channels involve a company interacting with customers directly, without any intermediaries. Direct channels can include physical stores, sales teams, or direct mail. Direct channels are often preferred by businesses because they allow for more control over the customer experience and can help build stronger relationships with customers.
  • Indirect Channels: These channels involve a company communicating with customers through intermediaries. Indirect channels can include wholesalers, distributors, or retail stores. While indirect channels can help businesses reach a wider audience, they also come with less control over the customer experience and can result in lower profit margins.
  • Online Channels: These channels involve a company interacting with customers through the internet. Online channels can include eCommerce websites, social media, or email marketing. Online channels are becoming increasingly popular as more and more people turn to the internet for shopping and information.
  • Mobile Channels: These channels involve a company interacting with customers through their mobile devices. Mobile channels can include mobile apps, text messaging, or push notifications. Mobile channels are particularly effective for reaching younger audiences and for businesses that offer products or services that can be easily accessed through a mobile device.

Choosing the right channels for a business will depend on several factors, including the target audience, the product or service offered, and the budget available. It’s important for companies to evaluate the pros and cons of each channel and select the ones that will be most effective for reaching their specific audience.

For example, if a business is targeting an older demographic, direct channels such as physical stores or direct mail may be more effective. On the other hand, if a business is targeting a younger demographic, online and mobile channels may be more effective. It’s also important to consider the product or service being offered. For example, a company selling luxury goods may benefit from direct channels that allow for a more personalized customer experience, while a company selling low-cost items may benefit from online channels that allow for a wider reach and lower overhead costs.

Finally, budget is an important consideration. Some channels, such as direct mail or physical stores, can be more expensive to operate than online or mobile channels. It’s important for businesses to carefully consider their budget and allocate resources to the channels that will be most effective for their specific goals.

How to Find Channels

Identifying the right Channels for a business can be challenging, but there are several ways to approach this task. One effective method is to conduct customer research to gain insights into the preferences, behaviors, and habits of the target audience. This will help a business understand which Channels will be most effective in reaching and engaging their customers.

Another way to find Channels is to analyze the competition. By researching competitors, businesses can evaluate which Channels they are using to reach their customers and identify opportunities for improvement or differentiation.

Finally, a company can test different Channels by using a small budget to evaluate their success rates. This approach allows a business to experiment with different Channels to determine which ones are the most effective for their particular needs.

Examples of Channels

To illustrate how Channels work in practice, let’s consider some examples:

An eCommerce fashion store may use the following Channels:

  • A website to display and sell products directly to consumers
  • Social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to promote products and engage with customers
  • Email marketing campaigns to communicate with customers and offer promotions

A B2B software company may use the following Channels:

  • A sales team to interact with potential customers and provide product demonstrations
  • A company website to provide information about the product and generate leads
  • A network of resellers or distributors to sell the product through indirect Channels


Channels are a critical building block of the Business Model Canvas. They are the means through which a company communicates with and reaches its customers. Business owners must choose the right Channels to ensure that their company’s products or services are delivered to the right audience with the right message at the right time. Understanding the types of Channels available and how to identify the right ones is crucial to the success of any business.