Accelerate Tech Transfer Success with Customer Discovery

Accelerate Tech Transfer Success with Customer Discovery

Innovate with the power of AI.

IP to Market Fit is a Hard Long Process. We Make it Quick and Easy

Innovation Within is at the forefront of revolutionizing Tech Transfer efforts, offering a cutting-edge AI-Discovery Platform™ tailored for the unique needs of technology transfer and IP commercialization sectors. Our platform empowers Tech Transfer offices by validating market-fit and optimizing business models, drastically minimizing the uncertainties involved in turning groundbreaking research into viable, market-ready innovations.

Navigating the journey from intellectual property (IP) to market fit traditionally involves navigating a complex and time-consuming maze of validation, strategy, and adaptation. Innovation Within transforms this arduous journey into a streamlined pathway through our AI-Discovery Platform™, leveraging emerging AI technologies to accelerate the ideation, innovation, and customer discovery/validation process.

Why Customer Discovery?

#1 reason why startups fail is because they fail to talk to the customer. Conduct customer discovery interviews with our platform, and gather relevant data for your business.




Let’s bring your idea to life.

Your canvas is a blank slate, ready to be filled with your vision and strategy. Fill out your canvas yourself or
generate a canvas using AI.

Create manually

Generate canvas

AI Generated Business Model Canvas

Creating a business model is hard, our AI does it for you. The AI Generated Business Model Canvas is a tool designed to revolutionize the way entrepreneurs and business professionals craft their business strategies.

By leveraging AI, this feature analyzes vast amounts of industry data and market trends to provide customized business model outlines tailored to your specific business needs and objectives. It simplifies the process of identifying key revenue streams, customer segments, and value propositions, making strategic planning more efficient and effective.

Our Features Make Your Life Easy

Customer Insights

Generate breakthrough ideas instantly, like a creative superpower at your fingertips.

Analytics Dashboard

Our platform will show you everything you need to make sure you’re on track to success!


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Colleges & Universities

Lean Launchpad Facilitators

Accelerators and Incubators

Enterprises and Corporations

Public Sector






© 2024 Innovation Within